Managing your appetite for blood is no easy task. Drink from the wrist of your sire’s blood-slave and try to control your bloodlust. Don’t be greedy! If you kill them, your sire will be quite displeased!"
Vampiric Lessons Chapter 2/6
COSTS: = 1 = 0
x 1
REWARDS: 120 - 250 1 - 2
"Time to practice using a Vampire’s greatest and most basic asset: your fangs! You’ll soon see that they encompass much more than being only sexy-looking utensils for feeding. Get going, let’s see what you can do with them!"
First Bites Chapter 3/6
COSTS: = 3 = 0
MAX SCORE: x (2) 50 x (1) 5
REWARDS: 200 - 350 3 - 5
"Now it's time to put your new self-control to the test! Drink from the neck of your sire's bloodslave, but be careful not to drain them completely or you may end up having to heal yourself more than once today."
Prowl the Streets Chapter 4/6
COSTS: = 3 = 0
REWARDS: 300 - 380 3 - 4
"You've found that your bloodlust is much more difficult to control when there are no consequences at hand. Loose yourself to the streets and see what attracts your dark intentions."
Drain a Vagrant Chapter 5/6
COSTS: = 5 = 5
REWARDS: 550 - 725 5 - 6
"You notice a live body sleeping in the alley. Ah, a drunken vagrant! He certainly won't be missed. Let your powerful urges free and fall upon this foolish mortal. Yes, dine on him until there's nothing left!"
Hunt Prey Chapter 6/6
COSTS: = 7 = 5
REWARDS: 750 - 925 9 - 12 RARE DROP:
"Your last meal was not nearly as satisfying as you'd hoped. Perhaps something young and blonde this time? Use your enhanced senses to hunt prey that is better suited to your particular tastes!"
Tap a Human Chapter 1/5, Act 1/2 Opens at Level 15
COSTS: = 9 = 5
MAX SCORE: x (5) 55
REWARDS: 900 - 1,450 9 - 15
"Ah yes, so lovely is the hunt and such limitless choices! But you must pick one at least, as your bloodlust is nearly out of control. One is now in the kill-zone! Hurry to attack and satisfy your vampiric needs!"
Eliminate the Slayer Chapter 1/5, Act 2/2 Opens when Act 1/2 done
COSTS: = 12 = 10
MAX SCORE: x (10) 55 x (5) 60 Full Clan Max Health
REWARDS: 9,500 - 10,850 22 RARE DROP:
"You thought it was a silly notion: a mere mortal killing Vampires... but it is true. Now you have been instructed to hunt and kill this "slayer". It will be no easy task, but you must complete it."
Sire Summons Chapter 2/5 Opens at Level 20
COSTS: = 12 = 15
MAX SCORE: x (5) 25 x (5) 35 Defense Skill =30 Full Clan
REWARDS: 5,650 - 8,500 15 - 20 RARE DROP:
"Word has come that the Bruxa clan have waged war on you. You must protect your nest. Use your psychic connection to your sire: search your depths and call them. You cannot survive without their presence!"
Full Frontal Assault Chapter 3/5 Opens at Level 25
COSTS: = 15 = 10
MAX SCORE: x 55 vamp specific also*..
REWARDS: 2,750 - 4,250 18 - 26
"Your sire arrived moments after your call. The nest is secured, yet battle is now at hand. At your sire's side you must fight the Bruxa. The salvation of your nest depends upon your victory!"
x 50 (V) x 50 (M) x 50 (N) x 50 (G)
Attend a Blood Orgy Chapter 4/5 Opens at Level 28
COSTS: = 20 = 50
MAX SCORE: x 60 x 60 Full Health
REWARDS: 15K - 25K 24 - 28
"A strange letter has appeared in your chambers. Opening it, you find it that it's a simple invitation to a Bloodline party. How interesting, you've never been to one! Go now, let loose, and feed until dawn. It's all the rage!"
Cruise Bars & Night Clubs Chapter 5/5 Opens at Level 30
COSTS: = 12 = 10
MAX SCORE: x (5) 65 x 65
REWARDS: 1,200 - 2,250 12 - 18
"Your experience has grown significantly. Now let's see what you can do in a crowd! Bars and Nightclubs are filled with targets, which brings to you a variety of ways to hunt. What strategy will you choose?"
Seduce a Human Chapter 1/4 Opens at Level 35
COSTS: = 15 = 20
MAX SCORE: x 65 x 50
REWARDS: 5K - 7,500 18 - 27 RARE DROP:
"You decide that seduction can be a vampire's best-friend, and now you're going to hone it to a razor's edge. Use your innate gifts to attract and persuade your target into wanting only you."
Attend a Clan meeting Chapter 2/4 Opens at Level 40
COSTS: = 20 = 30
REWARDS: 6,250 - 8,200 22 - 30
"In the still of night you are beckoned to an urgent clan meeting. What could be a topic so important as to interupt your nightly feasting? Arrive there quickly to find out!"
Protect your Marked Ones Chapter 3/4, Act 1/2 Opens at Level 45
COSTS: = 25 = 25
MAX SCORE: x (5) 20 Full Clan
REWARDS: 8K - 12K 30 - 42 RARE DROP:
"However few you have, your slaves remain quite important. Protect your interests by stopping a local gang from threatening your Bloodflow. If you cannot, your riches and reputation will diminish."
Slaughter a Gang Leader Chapter 3/4, Act 2/2 Opens when Act 1/2 done
"Sometimes the only way to sever a threat is by taking a head. You don't mind... it's one of your favorite passtimes. This time it will be the head of the gang leader. That should stop them!"
(V) (G) (M) (N)*
Rob a Blood Bank Chapter 4/4 Opens at Level 49
COSTS: = 28 = 100
MAX SCORE: Full Health x 100 x 100
REWARDS: 13,031 - 18K 33 - 45
"Has attending to your unlife's cravings ever been so easy? You doubt it, and laugh the whole while as you make your way to the bloodbank. Disease free and all blood types available!"
Track a Lycan Chapter 1/3 Opens at Level 55
COSTS: = 30 = 50
REQUIRED: x (5) 60 Bloodline-specific*
REWARDS: 17,775 - 22,500 35 - 50
"It's scent is everywhere, making it almost too easy to follow. Yet the lycans are no idle enemy. Finding its lair all too important, thus you must be careful as you track it."
x 60 each ( V ) x 60 each ( G ) x 60 each ( M ) x 60 each ( N )*
Sneak into a Lycans Lair Chapter 2/3, Act 1/3
COST: = 35 = 60
MAX SCORE: x (5) 125
REWARDS: 19,500 - 24,500 45 - 60
"You've arrived without being seen, but there is more to do. You must infiltrate the lair in secret and learn all you can about these beasts. It's of the highest priority!"
Ambush the Lycans Chapter 2/3, Act 2/3 Opens when Act 1/3 done
COST: = 40 = 100
MAX SCORE: x (15) 375 x (5) 225
REWARDS: 22,500 - 32K 60 - 72
"It won't be easy, but you've been assured this is the best plan. You and your clan must ambush the lycans in order to wipe them out. How many heads will you take this time?"
Battle the Lycan Leader Chapter 2/3, Act 3/3 Opens when Act 2/3 done
"It's giant frame looms before you, angry and snarling... but you fear not. Should you only conquer this ferocious creature, your place in the vampire legends is assured!"
(?) (?) (?) (?)*
Confront a Rival Clan Chapter 3/3
COSTS: = 40 = 125
MAX SCORE: x (5) 100
REWARDS: 22K - 29,750 58 - 68
"The clans are all at edge, each vying to be the strongest of them all. Use this as an advantage to build your reputation by confronting the strongest clan out there. Make an impression!"
Battle a Rival Clan Chapter 1/4, Act 1/2
COSTS: = 45 = 125
MAX SCORE: x (10) 250 Defense = 140
REWARDS: 27,600 - 35K 75 - 82
"The confronatation must have worked... you and a few clan have just been ambushed! Not to worry, they clearly haven't a clue who they've just attacked. Time to show them what you're made of."
"Still brooding over the ambush? Of course you are, and there's only one way to soothe your rage: destroy them all. Take your clan, show mercy to none, and tear their leader into pieces!"
(?) (?) (?) (?)*
Council Orders Chapter 2/4
COSTS: = 40 = 150
REWARDS: 24K - 30K 65 - 72
"You've been informed that one of your own has been interviewing with a mortal reporter. The Council insists that vampire truths must not be uncovered. Kill the reporter and take all the evidence!"
Rumors of Zombies Chapter 3/4, Act 1/2
COSTS: = 25 = 180
REWARDS: 7,750 - 11,500 36 - 44
"The secrecy of vampires is a delicate balance. Thus knowing of any undead kind can unweight this. You must investigate the graveyards! If zombies are seen by any, our kind will be next."
Dispose of the Zombies Chapter 3/4, Act 2/2 Opens when Act 1/2 done
COSTS: = 35 = 180
REWARDS: 18,800 - 23,580 50 - 65
"There are hordes of the mindless, don't get bitten."
Council Orders Chapter 4/4
COSTS: = 40 = 180
REWARDS: 21,500 - 26,700 60 - 68
"The Council insists that you gather more clues to information that has only just come in. Could it end in reuniting with a lost bloodline? You will have to travel to the East to know for sure."
Make sure your Health is FULL before beginning ANY mission which requires you to spend Rage. For missions that require a specific amount of Attack or Defense, if you find that no matter what - you can't seem to win... Try grabbing the Fist of Caine, Drakul's Armor, etc... The Relics do have several uses..
Before you rush off, thinking you've absorbed it all... Did you know that when you COMPLETE all 5 books - that you get a prize? The FIRST time you do it, the Missions are called "Volume 1". But you can repeat your mastery through "Volume 5"... Do you know what epic awesome thing you get when you do THAT?!